




期末考试周就要到了! Since spring break, students have been struggling to get back into the rhythm of things. This final str等h can be hectic for a lot of students. 在这紧张的时候, there are a few resources on campus that students can take advantage of, as well as some tips that all students should know!

First off, spring means warmer weather. While Andrews’ weather wildly fluctuates a lot of the time, eventually warmer weather will ensue. When it does, it’ll be important to go out and get some vitamin D. Seasonal depression can get many students down, but I encourage everyone to spend some time outside and soak up the much-needed vitamin D, which can improve your immune system and actually help you 晚上睡觉! While being in the sunlight does much more for the human body, I believe these two effects are the most beneficial for students right now. Taking the opportunity to study, read, or play a sport outside is uplifting. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of the smaller things. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it’s not worth something.

Additionally, studying may consume a good portion of students. Studying for any final exam is nerve-racking, but having some good study tips under your belt is always useful. One such study tip is to use the 费曼技术. This technique is a learning concept you can utilize to comprehend just about anything you desire. There are four simple steps:

  1. 选择一个概念来学习
  2. Teach said concept to yourself (or someone else)
  3. Return to the source material if you get stuck
  4. Simplify your explanations and create analogies

差不多就是这样了! If you want to learn more in-depth about this amazing study technique, feel free to search 在线

其次,还有 能量循环. Human beings have their own 能量周期 throughout the day, meaning the time of day in which their energy is high versus when it hits a low. Figure out what your 能量循环 looks like, do maximum work within the high energy times, then expand this time frame. Rescheduling to increase productivity will allow you to set longer cycles. 

第三,我们有 一些方法! This is a great memory technique that strengthens the information in your long-term memory. 

  1. 整理好你的笔记
  2. Familiarize yourself with the topic
  3. 脱口而出! Start writing down everything you can remember from your notes
  4. 修复你的工作
  5. 再来一次
  6. Don’t forget to take breaks

These study techniques are helpful for anyone who wants to learn and understand a new concept – not just students here at Andrews! It’s hard to study when you don’t have a rhythm or way of studying that works best for you. 人们学习的方式不同, so aside from the techniques I have offered, it is important for you to discover which way your brain retains information best! This may be by reading, listening, or hands-on activities. 

最后, if you’re good in the studying department, and you’re just trying to get through the semester in one piece, whatever it is you may be focusing your attention on – I highly recommend the sauna in the Andreason Center for Wellness. The sauna relaxes the muscles, which may be holding onto the stress you feel. 专家 recommend longer than ten to twenty minutes for optimal relaxation. This can also relieve some mental strain. Taking time out of your day to treat your body right by taking it to the sauna is a rewarding experience. 

All in all, we are all on our own paths of advancement and a prosperous future. People may struggle in the same way, whether that be with stress, not getting enough vitamins, 缺乏睡眠, 等. Leaning on each other and sharing our experiences can be a powerful thing. Always remember that you are not alone in your progression, and there are outlets and options that can aid you in your success! 


Sources (in order of underlined sections)

学生运动 is the official student newspaper of bet365中文大学. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, bet365中文大学 or the 基督复临安息日会 church.