
   校园新闻 发布于2024年3月19日

UPDATE: To view the interviews with Hyveth Williams, 阿尔文吊桶, 和BSCF校友, 浏览活动网页 在这里. The earlier interview with Walter Douglas is also included on the page.

The ninth Summit on Social Consciousness took place on Thursday, Feb. 29, and Saturday, 3月2日, 2024, with the theme “Race. 宗教. 反射. bet365中文大学: The Institutional Saga (1960–1980).每次聚会都有一段录音采访,然后是一个小组对电影的反应.

The Summit explored the theme from three perspectives: bet365中文大学’s female employees, 过去和现在的学生团体, and the voice of Andrews’ Seminary alumnus 阿尔文吊桶. 在每次会议上, 与会者和参与者讨论了20世纪60年代到80年代bet365中文大学个人的生活经历.

The first segment of the Summit was titled “The Andrews Saga: Through the Eyes of Our Women.” The program centered on Hyveth Williams, 博士学位, DMin, 谁是基督复临安息日会神学院事工博士项目的主任. 威廉姆斯是基督复临安息日会第一位黑人女牧师和女主任牧师.

在视频放映中, Williams spoke of her call to ministry and how, 响应这个号召, 1986年,她参加了基督复临安息日会神学院的神学硕士课程.

在完成她的MDiv之后, Williams wished to further develop her skills and understanding of ministry, 因此,他申请进入基督复临安息日会神学院于1989年开始的牧师博士项目. 尽管在其他方面是合格的, 威廉姆斯被拒绝进入该项目,并被告知该项目只对“被任命为牧师的男性”开放.威廉姆斯随后申请并被波士顿大学神学院博士课程录取.

After completing her Doctor of Ministry and serving as a successful pastor, 威廉姆斯于2009年被邀请加入基督复临安息日会神学院,担任讲道学教授. 在讽刺和神的指引下, in 2022 Williams became the director of the Doctor of Ministry program, the same program to 哪一个 she had been denied access. 威廉姆斯庆祝神学院女性人数的增加,以及在基督复临安息日会担任更多领导角色.

After the video, a number of panelists discussed the film. Williams was joined by associate professor of Communication Heather Thompson-Day, assistant vice president for 校园 and Student/Resident Life Jennifer Burrill, and professor of English Meredith Jones Gray. 摩根·威廉姆斯, 本科生,bet365中文大学学生会(AUSA)执行副主席, 主持讨论. 小组成员强调了大学历史上妇女处理歧视情况的其他故事,同时也强调了大学在发展一种文化和气氛方面取得的进展,使妇女在生活的各个领域都有平等的机会蓬勃发展.

第二个节目上午10点开始.m. 在霍华德表演艺术中心举行的题为“bet365中文传奇:来自我们学生的见解”的演讲.它放映了“BSCF校友故事”的录像,并与新生命团契教会合作举行了敬拜仪式. 这段视频的主角是bet365中文大学上世纪60年代末和70年代初的五名黑人校友,他们是bet365中文大学最大、最活跃的学生团体之一的第一年成员, the Black Student Christian Forum (BSCF).

校友们分享说,虽然bet365中文是一所基督教学院,位于一个远离民权运动重大事件的农村社区, 他们在bet365中文仍然经历着种族歧视. 在其他困难的经历中, 校友们讲述了他们对bet365中文发生的焚烧十字架事件以及校方缺乏回应的感受. 校方没有发表声明向黑人学生保证他们的安全,也没有阻止类似事件再次发生. T在这里 were actually three cross burnings on campus between 1969 and 1975.

Desiring to build a worship community that better met their spiritual and social needs, 学生有动力发展BSCF. 俱乐部的创始成员致力于提高教职员工的代表性,并为学生提供机会. 他们还在bet365中文和本顿港成立了社会和宗教事工,以帮助创造积极的变化.

After the video, panelists again responded to the stories. 克里斯蒂娜猎人, dean for 研究生 Residence Life and associate dean for 学生生活, 担任主持人. The panelists included Darius Bridges, assistant dean of Student Involvement, Leadership & Activities (SILA); Rock Choi, president of the Korean American Student Association (KASA); Loren Manrique, AUSA president; Hailay Prestes, AUSA social vice president; Skyler Campbell, BSCF president; Natasha Richards, president of the Black 学生 Association of the Seminary (BSAS); and Foluke Arthurton, president of the bet365中文大学 研究生 Student Association (AUGSA).

嘉宾们都对视频中的校友们表示钦佩,他们使文化俱乐部成为校园中一个重要而有影响力的特征. 他们分享了文化俱乐部如何为学生提供一些家庭生活的外表,也提供了建立牢固友谊和熟悉不同文化的机会.

小组讨论结束后, the New Life Fellowship Church held its service featuring Pastor Taurus Montgomery. 加拉太书3:26-29, 蒙哥马利还在他的布道中使用了历史背景来说明,从《bet365中文》时代到跨大西洋奴隶贸易时代,再到现代,不宽容的现状是如何威胁到真正的灵性的. He emphasized that our identity in Christ must take precedence over every other. 他补充说,我们被呼召与基督建立关系,这样我们就可以拥有腓立比书2:5中提到的“基督的心”, 哪一个 allows us to appreciate others with a Christ-like character.

The final program of the weekend centered on the reflections of 阿尔文吊桶, 谁曾担任基督复临安息日会北美分部(NAD)的副总裁. 不幸的是,在基布尔接受采访后不久,他就住院了,后来于8月9日去世. 11, 2023.

Kibble attended the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary from 1967 to 1969, w在这里 he said he “enjoyed learning from his professors.基布尔的想法, while optimistic about the progress at Andrews, 包括几个非常感人的故事. 例如, when a Seminary professor at the time was asked about the origin of Black people, he responded by claiming that the Black race was “the amalgamation of man and beast.” An additional story took place in 1968 when Martin Luther King Jr. 被暗杀. 消息传到bet365中文校园后, Kibble recalled that a white student burst into the gymnasium, celebrating the civil rights icon’s death by announcing, “我们抓住他了。!”

视频后的小组讨论包括bet365中文大学宣教与跨文化神学助理教授安德鲁·汤普金斯, director of the Center for Adventist 研究 Kevin Burton, vice president of EDI and Poverty Reduction at TNG Community Services Morris Beckford, chair of Washington Adventist University’s Department of 宗教 Olive Hemmings, and bet365中文大学 chair of the Department of Church History Trevor O’Reggio.

The panelists acknowledged the lack of acceptance of minorities within the church, 哪一个, combined with their inextinguishable desire to follow the gospel, led to the development of regional conferences.

卡莱尔萨顿, sponsored research officer at Andrews and lead organizer for the weekend, 共享, “We hope the Summit helped to create a space w在这里, 作为一个社区, we could have authentic conversations on difficult topics and learn to listen to each other.  It is hard to argue with people’s lived experiences. 拨款的目的是为少数族裔的声音创造机会,分享他们的故事. 当我们考虑到我们在2024年建设优先考虑归属感的社区方面所面临的进展和挑战时,我们希望我们尊重地做到了这一点.”

The themes of equal treatment for women and minorities, the organization’s influence on student life and culture, 以及种族主义对校园的影响,让在场的人有机会对bet365中文已经走了多远进行有意义的反思,并承诺继续开展治愈工作.
克里斯顿·亚瑟教务长, who started and oversees the Summit on Social Consciousness, 领导台上的每个节目, urged the audience to contemplate two questions: “So what? 现在?”

As part of the enduring outcomes of the CIC 机构al saga grant, bet365中文大学计划分享峰会的三个视频以及早先对沃尔特·道格拉斯教授的采访.

今年的峰会由独立学院理事会和bet365中文大学教务长办公室赞助, Office of 研究 and Creative Scholarship, 大学传播处, 校园 & 学生生活, Department of Visual Art, Communication & 设计系(VACD)和英语系.

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