25 Years of Service: Jiří Moskala

   Employee Awards 2024 | Posted on March 6, 2024

Jiří Moskala is 教授 of Old Testament exegesis and theology and dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. Born and raised in the Czech Republic, Jiří has served the Adventist church as a pastor, Bible teacher, 教授, 神学家, thought leader and administrator. He is highly respected and is an individual that the church turns to when faced with difficult theological issues.

Jiří is a person of deep spiritual faith and has a passionate love for Christ. He has an effervescent personality that is infectious. You will see his smile and experience his warmth before he speaks a word.

Jiří loves traveling and, first and foremost, represents the Seminary and Andrews University positively to the global church. He is our ambassador.  

A family man, Jiří is married to Elvira, and they have four adult children. Their grandchildren bring them the most joy.

For his 25 years of distinguished service, Andrews University bestows this notable recognition on Jiří Moskala. Congratulations, Jiří!
